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Breeder Tulpen

Breeder Tulpen is een verzamelnaam voor allerlei eenkleurige tulpencultivars die oorspronkelijke door Franse, Vlaamse, Engelse en Nederlandse kwekers als uitgangsmateriaal voor gebroken tulpen werden gebruikt. De Noord-Franse en Vlaamse kweekproducten waren in de 19de eeuw superieur, maar Hollandse kwekers waren weer veel beter in het vermeerderen van goede cultivars, zodat zij een groot aandeel in de handel bezaten. In deze tijd breidde het kwekersareaal zich uit van Haarlem tot Overveen en Bloemendaal, en vervolgens tot Hillegom, Lisse, Noordwijk en verder. Om de omzet te vergroten begonnen de handelaren de tulp als snijbloem op de markt te brengen, waar ze daarvoor afwezig waren. De stevige Breeder Tulpen waren hiervoor zeer geschikt en werden al snel een commercieel succes. De enorme variatie aan bloemvormen en -kleuren binnen deze groep weerspiegelt eigenlijk die van alle voorgaande cultivars. We vinden er de sierlijke Old Times, lijkend op T. clusiana, de elegante La Joyeuse met zijn moeilijk te omschrijven kleur en de statige Lord Stanley. Het leverbare sortiment bevat nu nog voornamelijk Nederlandse, Engelse en Franse cultivars uit de periode 1800-1948.

Breeder Tulpen

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Tulipa 'Admiral Tromp'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip pre-1932, introduced by C.G. van Tubergen. Commended with an Award of Merit at Haarlem in 1932.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Aesculapius'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from before 1863, from the hands of V. van der Vinne.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Bacchus'
. Available to order from July 2025
Single late tulip, registered on 31 December 1780. Synonyms are: Tulipa 'Regal Purple' and Tulipa 'Royal Purple'.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Cardinal Manning'
. Available to order from July 2025
A Breeder tulip from before 1913, from an unknown grower. Synonyms are Tulipa 'Goliath' and Tulipa 'Kingscourt'. Deep pink, pink flowers at the edges. Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892) was a British clergyman and cardinal of the Roman...
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'George Grappe'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from 1939, named after Georges Pierre François Grappe (1872-1947), an author whose works include 140 works and 519 publications in four languages.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Jules Favres'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from 1913, originating from an unknown grower. Named after Jules Claude Gabriel Favre (1809-1880), a French politician.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'La Joyeuse'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from before 1863, from the hands of V. van der Vinne.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Madras'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from before 1913, fragrant. Probably named after the ancient name for the city of Chennai in India.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Maryland'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from 1930.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Melva'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip pre-1931.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Mrs. Harold I. Pratt'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip registered on 31 December 1926 by E.H. Krelage & Son. A sport of Tulipa 'Buff Picture'.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Old Times'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from 1919, there is also talk of a rediscovery in 1905, so the year 1919 is not entirely certain. Previously classified as Cottage-Tulips.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Orange Beauty'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from 1905.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Prince of Wales'
. Available to order from July 2025
Broad tulip from 1863, The Prince of Wales is a title reserved for the British heir to the throne.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Simon Bolivar'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip from 1880, named after Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios (1783-1830) a South American freedom fighter.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Yellow Perfection'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip.

Available to order from July 2025