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De schoonheid van wilde tulpen, die in de natuur onafzienbare velden kunnen vormen, was zonder twijfel de reden waarom ze lang geleden werden verzameld en in tuinen terecht kwamen. Omdat ze zo variabel van uiterlijk zijn ging men de extra opvallende vormen daaruit selecteren. Later ging men soorten kruisen en werden de beste zaailingen vermeerderd. Dat was ook het geval met de eerste tulp, een rode, die in het westen werd beschreven (1559) en die was opgekweekt uit zaad afkomstig uit Turkije. [ In de volgende 300 jaar werden vanuit heel Voor-, Midden- en Centraal Azië nieuwe tulpen geïntroduceerd, terwijl in het westen steeds meer tulpen werden gekweekt. In de tulpenhandel speelde Holland vanaf het begin een centrale rol. Tijdens de Tulipomania (1634-1637) bracht één enkele bol van de cultivar ‘Admiraal van Enkhuijsen’ een bedrag van 5400 gulden op, gelijk aan van 15 jaarsalarissen van een metselaar. Tegenwoordig zijn er zo’n 5500 geregistreerde cultivars; oude zijn verdwenen, nieuwe komen er telkens weer bij. Alleen door ze te blijven gebruiken in de tuin of de koude kas kunnen de oude cultivars – waardevol Nederlands erfgoed! – behouden blijven. De hier aangeboden cultivars vormen een selectie uit de historische tulpen die voor ons op beperkte schaal worden gekweekt.

Om de overige bolgewassen met historische waarde te bekijken klik hier.


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Tulipa 'The Lizard'
. Available to order from July 2025
A Rembrandt tulip listed as one of his acquisitions in an 1899 catalogue by W. Baylon Hartland of Ireland. It was written in Krelage's archives that this tulip was already being traded in the Netherlands under the name Tulipa 'Fairy Queen'.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Theeroos'
. Available to order from July 2025
A Double Early Tulip from 1890, from an unknown grower. Soft primrose yellow flowers with a hint of salmon. Also known by the synonyms: 'Brimstone', Brimstone Beauty', Murillo Sulphur, Safrao' and 'Tea Rose'
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Thorbecke'
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro 1920, named after former Prime Minister Johan Rudolph Thorbecke (1798-1872). The Hortus Bulborum classifies this tulip among the Darwin tulips.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Uncle Tom'
. Available to order from July 2025
A double late tulip from 1939.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Van der Neer'
. Available to order from July 2025
Single Early Tulip from 1860, from the hands of G. Leembruggen. Synonym: Tulipa 'Netcher'. "Distinguished, yet very strikingly, from Tulipa 'Wouwerman' by a much lighter nuance. Both are undoubtedly the designated species in the purple colour."
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Wapen van Leiden'
. Available to order from July 2025
Single Early Tulip from 1760 from an unknown grower. Deep pink and white flamed flowers, slightly yellow on the reverse.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'White Triumphator'
. Available to order from July 2025
An elegant, white lily flowered tulip from 1942.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Yellow Perfection'
. Available to order from July 2025
Breeder tulip.

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa 'Zomerschoon'
. Available to order from July 2025
Perhaps the most coveted Rembrandt tulip, with a legendary history. Intro 1620. On 5 February 1637, 1010 Florijn was paid for a bulb of Tulipa 'Zomerschoon'.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa clusiana
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro: 1802, , descriptions date from the 16th century. Lady Tulip or Candy Tulip. Origin: Northeast Afghanistan and Kashmir (growing wild in some places), southern France and the Greek islands. In Europe they were spread by hitchhiking in the...

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa didieri
. Available to order from July 2025
An ornamental tulip that buds from a narrow pointed bud. Common in southern Europe, especially in the Savoys. First described in 1846 by Alexis Jordan, one of the first Neo-tulips described as a species. The flowers are usually dark pinkish-red,...
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa hageri
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro: 1874. Origin: Greece, Crete and near Izmir (Turkey). Named after Friedrich Hager by Theodor von Heldreich, both of whom introduced the little tulip. The bell-shaped flowers have a colour that is a cross between copper and scarlet with a...
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa humilis
. Available to order from July 2025
Origin: Northern and Northwestern Iran (Elburz Mountains) and Kurdistan. Intro: 1844. Only 10-12 cm high with a variable flower colour, from mauve to violet with a large yellow base. The flowers are cup-shaped, but open in a star shape in the sun.
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa iliensis
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro: 1879. Origin: Tien Shan (Central Asia) and China where they occur in the Dzungaria - Kashgar area on rocky and grassy slopes. Closely related to T. altaica. The flower colour is lemon yellow with violet hues on the outer petals. The anthers...

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa polychroma
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro: 1885. Origin: Northern Iran and northwestern Afghanistan. A multi-flowering, only 10-15 cm high tulip. When the sun shines, they look like a bunch of 'stars'. The flower colour is white with some violet on the outer petals. Both the base...

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa saxatilis
. Available to order from July 2025
T. saxatilis has been known since the early 17th century. At that time it was called 'The Tulip of Candie' (Candie or Candia is the old name for Crete). Reintroduced in 1870 by George Maw. Origin: Crete. Six to twelve green leaves form a rosette....

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa sprengeri
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro: 1894. Was found in the Pontic Mountains near Amasya in Turkey. Of all species Tulipa this one flowers latest, late May, early June. The slim, bright red-orange flower grows above the long and narrow shiny green leaves. The backs of the...
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Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa sylvestris
. Available to order from July 2025
Perhaps the oldest described species, Rembertus Dodonaeus described the forest tulip in 1568. The oldest depiction in Europe of T. sylvestris is from 1549. Origin: Iran, North Africa and Europe, also in the Netherlands, but probably feral, native...

Available to order from July 2025

Tulipa turkestanica
. Available to order from July 2025
Intro: 1875. Origin: Central Asia, Turkestan and northwest China. One of the earliest flowering species. The leaves are grey-green in colour and the 20 cm high flower stem is hairy. The twelve tapered white flowers with oval petals have a...

Available to order from July 2025