Nijssen Tuin & Bulbs Heemstede | Official site of Peter C. Nijssen
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- +Tulpen, overig
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- Overige Historische Bolgewassen
- +Daffodil website
- Division 1 Trompetnarcissen
- Division 2 Grootkronige narcissen
- Division 3 Kleinkronige narcissen
- Division 4 Dubbelbloemige narcissen
- Division 5 Triandrus narcissen
- Division 6 Cyclamineus narcissen
- Division 7 Jonquilla narcissen
- Division 8 Tazetta narcissen
- Division 9 Poeticus narcissen
- Division 10 Bulbocodium narcissen
- Division 11 Spleetkronige en vlinderbloemige narcissen
- Division 12 Overige narcissen
- Division 13 species en wildvormen
- +Historicalbulbs
- +Bulbs for indoors
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Biological organic fertilisers
Natural, or nature-friendly, gardening is an environmentally friendly way of gardening.
The central vision is "Care for nature and the environment". All ECOstyle products fit completely into this vision. 100% natural, 100% environmentally friendly based on the idea not to disturb the rich soil life but to strengthen it.
Maintaining and strengthening the organic cycle is the basis for natural gardening. What makes natural gardening different from other methods?
In the natural garden, really only natural products are used. Organic, 100% natural fertilisers feed not only the plant but also the soil life.
In the natural garden, emphasis is placed on preventive crop protection. This means that resistance to diseases and pests is increased naturally. This is done through natural fertilisation, a rich soil life and natural plant enhancers.
Diseases and pests that do emerge are controlled exclusively with natural crop protection agents.
Why natural gardening?
By using natural fertilisers and plant enhancers, natural processes in the garden are not disrupted.
With respect for your family, pets and the environment.
Effective solutions, but 100% nature-friendly.
All ECOstyle products fit within the philosophy of natural gardening. A safe idea and a conscious choice!
Biological organic fertilisers
Active filters
AZ-Kalk 10 kg
AZ-Kalk 2 kg
AZ-Kalk 5 kg
Beendermeel 1,6 kg
Bloedmeel 1,6 kg
Buxusmot, Feromoon
Buxusmot, trechterval
Compostmaker 800 gram
Coniferen & Taxus-AZ 1,6 kg
Coniferen & Taxus-AZ 800 gram
Druiven-AZ 800 g
Escar-Go 1 kg
Not available at the moment
Escar-Go 2,5 kg
Not available at the moment
Escar-Go 200 g
Not available at the moment
Escar-Go 500 g
Not available at the moment
Gazon 4-in-1 300 g
Gazon 4-in-1 500 g
Gazon-AZ 10 kg
Gazon-AZ 2 kg
Gazon-AZ 20 kg
Gazon-AZ 5 kg
Graszaad-Herstel 1 kg
Graszaad-Herstel 100 g
Graszaad-Herstel 2 kg
Graszaad-Herstel 250 g
Graszaad-Herstel 500 g
Graszaad-Inzaai 1 kg
Graszaad-Inzaai 250 g
Graszaad-Inzaai 500 g
Hagen-AZ 1,6 kg
Hagen-AZ 2,75 kg
Not available at the moment
Hortensia-AZ 1,6 kg.
Hortensia-AZ 800 gram
Klimplanten-AZ 800 gram
Lavameel, 1,6 kg.
Not available at the moment