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The name was derived from the Greek words 'aron' (arum or arum calyx) and 'haima' meaning blood red, alluding to the mostly red berries that adorn the rhizomatous plant in autumn. Many dozens of species are known. Most are found in Asia, a few in tropical Africa, while the A. triphyllum offered here, among others, occurs in the eastern United States and southern Canada. The genus Arisaema consists of many fascinating plants that, although they look like exotics, are easy to grow in light-shaded spots in a humus-rich environment. 


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Arisaema brochure
A one-off publication from 2003. 20 pages. A description of 35 Arisaema's with pictures.
Arisaema candidissimum
Origin: Western China, especially in northwestern Yunnan and southwestern Szuchwan. The flowering spadix is white with a hint of soft pink and encloses a greenish-yellow flower spike. During flowering, the leaves develop, first folded together...

Available to order from February 2024

Arisaema flavum
An Arisaema native to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsulas, often found under growing conditions dry for Arisaema, in the shade of Ficus vasta.

Available to order from February 2024

Arisaema sikokianum
Origin: Japan (Shikoku). Japanese Jack-in-the-pulpit. A striking species. The upright leaf is composed of three to five leaflets. The bract is dark purple with green stripes towards the tip, and pure white on the inside. The spadix is white. Hardy.

Available to order from February 2024