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Agastache hybrida 'Arcado Pink' -zaden-
Agastache Arcado Pink, perennial, fragrant medicinal and culinary herb. Sowing indoors: March-May, outside: April-June. Flowering: July-October. Harvest: leaves and flowers. Height: 40-50 cm.

Available to order from February 2025

Akkerbloemen - snelbloeiend en kleurrijk
Contains: Akkerleeuwenbek Misopates orontium - Bleke klaproos Papaver dubium - Bolderik Agrostemma githago - Echte kamille Matricaria chamomilla - Franse silene Silene gallica - Gele ganzenbloem Glebionis segetum - Grote klaproos Papaver rhoeas-...
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Available to order from February 2025

Akkerbloemenmengsel -zaden-
This field flowers mixture includes buckwheat, crimson clover, phacelia, white mustard, blue lupine and marigold. These various plants can be sown thinly in April and May. 3 grams (for 10 m2).
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Available to order from February 2025

Alcea rosea, Stokroos, gemengd -zaden-
Hollyhock produces single flowers in a range of colors. This upright plant has robust stems and needs shelter or support. The flowering period is from July to September.
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Available to order from February 2025

Andijvie, Cichorium endiva 'Nummer vijf 2' -zaden-
Endive 'Batavian Broad Leaved' is the most popular and most grown endive variety. This variety has a nice and well-filled heart of the plant. The leaves are broad and have a soft taste. It is very well suited for stews. Note that sowing in early...
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Available to order from February 2025

Aquilegia vulgaris -zaden-
Columbine, perennial, borderplant. Sowing outside: whole year. Flowering: May-July. Height: 60 cm
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Available to order from February 2025

Argemone polyanthemos, Stekelpapaver -zaden-
The beautiful Crested Prickly Poppy is a really attractive to bees and butterflies. This unusal plant has prickly, blue-green leaves and bears large white flowers.
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Available to order from February 2025

Aster chinensis 'Kleurentapijt' -zaden-
Hoogte: 20-30 cm. Plantafstand: 20 cm. Bloeitijd: Juli tot oktober. Aster Colorcarpet, annual, beddingplant and cutflower. Sowing indoors: March-May, outside: April-June. Flowering: July-October. Height: 20-30 cm.

Available to order from February 2025

Aubergine, Solanum melongena 'Violetta Lunga 3' -zaden-
Eggplant Violetta Lunga 3 is a quite early variety with relative slender, deep purple fruits with a green handle. Be careful with the thorns. This eggplant is most suited for growing in a greenhouse. Tip: make the plants sprout on moist paper...
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Available to order from February 2025

Basilicum 'Dark Opal' -zaden-
Red basil is an annual herb with a nice, strong smell. This variety is deep purple with medium sized leaves. Basil prefers a spot with shelter. Pick the leaves for direct use and for drying. When cutting, always make sure to cut above the first...
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Available to order from February 2025

Basilicum, Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese' -zaden-
Basil Genovese is an annual herb with medium-sized leaves. The herb has a strong smell and does not become very high. The herb does not bolter early and prefers shelter. This variety is very well suited for pesto. When cutting, always make sure to...
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Available to order from February 2025

Basilicum, Ocimum basilicum 'Thais' -zaden-
Thai Basil has deep purple stems and lovely pink-lilac flowers. It tastes sweet with a hint of aniseed. This basil can be dried or eaten fresh.
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Available to order from February 2025

Beemdkroon - Knautia arvensis
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bieslook fijn, Allium schoenoprasum -zaden-
Chives are a perennial herb and need cold to germinate. The best temperatures to sow chives are between 15 and 20 degrees Celcius. This variety shows regrowth after cutting.
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Available to order from February 2025

Bijenweide - drachtplanten voor wilde bijen
Contains: Beemdkroon Knautia arvensis - Bermooievaarsbek Geranium pyrenaicum - Betonie Betonica officinalis - Blauwe knoop Succisa pratensis - Boerenwormkruid Tanacetum vulgare - Borstelkrans Clinopodium vulgare - Bosandoorn Stachys sylvatica -...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bijenweide - voor tijdelijke invulling
Contains: Akkerleeuwenbek Misopates orontium - Akkervergeet-mij-nietje Myosotis arvensis - Akkerviooltje Viola arvensis - Dagkoekoeksbloem Silene dioica - Driekleurig viooltje Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor - Echt bitterkruid Picris hieracioides -...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bladmosterd, Brassica juncea var. rugosa 'Golden Frills' -zaden-
Golden Frills is a mustard variety with fine incised, fresh green leaves and a spicy taste. Mustard leaf has been grown and eaten in the Himalaya region in India for over 5000 years. Also in many other countries is leaf mustard a part of the daily...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloeiende voegen - voor open bestrating en stapstenen
Contains: Bleke klaproos Papaver dubium - Duizendblad Achillea millefolium - Gewone brunel Prunella vulgaris - Gewone reigersbek Erodium cicutarium - Gewone rolklaver Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus - Grasklokje Campanula rotundifolia - Grote...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloemenmengsel 'Elegance' -zaden-
‘Elegance’ lives up to its name: this flower mixture contains varieties with small flowers and a fine leaf structure. Pure elegance that is perfect for flower meadows and flower strips in public green spaces. The plants help ensure a rich insect...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloemenmengsel Hoog -zaden-
Flower Mixture (high) contains predominantly seeds for sturdy annuals reaching a height of about 100 cm. This mixture may be thinly sown and contains seeds for plants such as Prince's Feather, sunflower, Safflower, Common Mallow and Opium Poppy.
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloemenmengsel Laag -zaden-
Flower Mixture Low contains a varied mixture of annuals including Cow Herb, Dwarf Lupine, Annual Clary Sage and common poppy. These plants reach a height of approximately 30 cm.
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloemenmengsel Middelhoog -zaden-
Flower Mixture Medium-High is very varied. It contains annual varieties such as Cow Herb, Dwarf Lupine, Moldavian Dragonhead and Californian Poppy. These plants reach a height of approximately 60 cm.
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloemenmengsel Tübingermengsel -zaden-
Tübingen Flowers (mixture) is a proven mix for attracting bees and butterflies and is suitable for gardens or field margins. This mixture contains seeds from both non-indigenous and cultivated plants: Phacelia, Buckwheat, White Mustard, Coriander,...
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Available to order from February 2025

Bloemkool Amazing -zaden-
Cauliflower Amazing, Summer and autumn harvest. Sowing indoors: March-May. Direct seeding or transplant outside: May-June. Plant spacing: 70 x 60 cm.

Available to order from February 2025

Bloemkool Flora Blanca, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis -zaden-
Cauliflower Flora Blanca is an old Dutch variety. It is one of the few varieties that do not produce a yellowish head, but a beautiful white one. Flora Blanca is most suited for autumn cultivation as this is easier compared to cultivation in...
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Available to order from February 2025

Boerenkool 'Darkibor F1' -zaden-
Curly kale receives a lot of attention as a superfood. 'Darkibor F1' is a highly productive variety that is suitable for autumn cultivation. The dark green, tightly curled leaves have good resilience to yellowing. The plants grow to 45-90 cm high....
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Available to order from February 2025

Bonenkruid, Satureja hortensis -zaden-
Bonenkruid is een eenjarig, laagblijvend struikvormig gewas. De blaadjes en jonge scheuten worden geoogst tegen de bloei aan en hebben een licht pittige smaak. Zaaien in mei-juni op rijtjes, afstand 20x20 cm. Hoogte 40 cm. Geschikt om te drogen.
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Available to order from February 2025

Bosui, Allium cepa 'White Lisbon' -zaden-
Onion (spring) White Lisbon develops a medium-long, white shaft and forms a small sphere. The leafage is light green and stands nicely upright. Sow the scallions close to each other, so that they stay fine. The onions can be harvested when they...
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Available to order from February 2025

Broccoli, Brassica oleracea 'Belstar F1' -zaden-
Broccoli 'Belstar F1' matures early and is resistant to secondary growth. It is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation and produces compact, high yielding plants. Ready for harvesting after 120-150 days. These seeds have a certified organic...
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Available to order from February 2025

Calendula officinalis, Goudsbloem -zaden-
Marigold has singular, orange flowers with a dark heart. These flowers are easy to cultivate and serve as an ornamental plant. It is used for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Marigold flowers can serve as ornament in dishes and it can be...
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Available to order from February 2025

Capucijner Blauwschokkers, Pisum sativum -zaden-
Purple field pea Blauwschokkers is a firm crop and a dwarf type. Both the flowers and legumes are purple. Suited for fresh use and conservation. Field peas are comparable to green peas, which means that only the seeds are consumable. Best is to...
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Available to order from February 2025