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Nieuwe Oogst, flower bulbs

The website is once again full of novelties. Thanks to the infinite supply that nature brings with it; a site full of worldly bulbs.

Nieuwe Oogst, flower bulbs

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Camassia quamash
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
From California and eastwards to Montana and Utah. The 6 to 8 linear leaves are blue-green and the up to 35 cm long stems bear 10 to 30 star-shaped soft violet flowers with a hint of blue. Well suited for naturalising in a flower meadow.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Camassia quamash -grootverbruik-
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Camassia quamash A nice form of the famous camassia, ideal for naturalising in flower meadows. Sun to dappled shade. 80-100 per m2. Bulb size: 5 cm.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa 'Blue Giant'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A selection from 1997. Perhaps the most beautiful Chionodoxa. Beautiful large flowers with a cornflower blue exterior and a striking ivory heart. The inside of the petals is blue to purple-blue. Blooms long, six to eight weeks. "Blue Giant"...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa 'Pink Giant'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A soft pink, large-flowered selection from the 1940's. With sunny weeather, the star-shaped flowers with white eyes are wide open, looking upwards. Also in this shade it is a wonderful harbinger of spring which, like C. 'Blue Giant' received an...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa luciliae
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1878. Collected by the Swiss botanist Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810-1885) in the Taurus, who named this glory-of-the-snow after his wife Lucile, who died young. Flower stems with one or two lavender blue flowers with a white heart.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa luciliae 'Alba'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Selected by Barr & Sons in 1885. Flower colour: bright white. Good for mixing with for example the blue C. luciliae and then scattering it for naturalising .
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa luciliae 'Rose Queen'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Was already recorded in 2008 by R. Huijg, Breezand. A new, distinctive pink selection, great to combine with other spring-flowering bulbs. Naturalises well under deciduous shrubs.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa luciliae 'Violet Beauty'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A beautiful large-flowered form with light blue violet flowers to complement the range of glory-of-the-snow. Profusely flowering in March-April. Nice in pots combined with Viola cornuta.
Chionodoxa luciliae -grootverbruik-
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Glory-of-the-snow, as undergrowth of trees and shrubs, but also for in lawns. For sun to partial shade, few soil requirements. 100-120 pieces per m2. Bulb size: 4 cm.
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. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa sardensis
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
(Named after von Sardus). Origin: Western Turkey. Was introduced in 1883 by Barr & Sons. Each flower stalk has ten gentian blue flowers, with a barely perceptible white eye.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Chionodoxa siehei
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1880. Origin: Western Turkey. 15-20 cm tall stems feature four to ten blue flowers with a large white heart. Was offered in previous years under the name C. forbesii, but according to Brian Mathew that name is incorrect.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Colchicum 'Harlekijn'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Intro: 1988. One of many descendants arising from selection work by Mr Visser, St Pancras. The medium-sized flowers have an unusual colour. The outside of the petals is amethyst violet with cream white flower heads, the inside is ivory with an...
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Colchicum 'Waterlily'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
This double-flowered Colchicum (introduced by Mr J.J. Kerbert) was created by crossing C. autumnale 'Album' and C. speciosum 'Album'. Each lilac-pink flower often consists of more than 20 petals. It won an Award of Merit as early as 1927 and 1928...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum agrippinum
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
A scarce hybrid of C. autumnale and C. variegatum. The intensely chequered, violet-pink flower pattern is clearly derived from the parent C. variegatum. However, this descendant with slender blue-green leaves is much more trouble-free in its...
Colchicum alberti
A natural cross of C. luteum × C. kesselringii occurring in Central Asia and the western Himalayas. Locations known include Ala-Bel Pass, Chuy-Kirgizstan and Tovil-Dara, Darwaz-Tajikistan. Several clones have been found, some of which have also...
Colchicum autumnale
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Intro: 1561 (cultivated forms arose after 1753). A species that can be found in many parts of Europe, with the exception of the South and Southwest. In the Netherlands, they are still found in South Limburg and along the Meuse and the IJssel...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum autumnale 'Alboplenum'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
A double-flowered white form of C. autumnale with on the heart leaves a touch of pink. This Colchicum already received a First Class certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1872. From one bulb grow several flower stems, causing the...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum autumnale 'Album'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
The white-flowering form of C. autumnale, which was awarded an AGM in 2018 and a Jubilee Certificate from the K.A.V.B. in 2010. The flowers are slightly smaller than those of the pink form, they are nicely scattered, a charming bulbous plant for...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum baytopiorum
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Origin: western Turkey. Named after Professor Turhan and his wife Professor Asuman Baytop, introduced in 1983. One to four globular soft pink flowers with yellow stamens per bulb, the three or four glossy green leaves appear almost simultaneously...
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Colchicum bivonae 'Vesta'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Registered in 2004, but in culture for some time before. In 1991, A.M.D. Hoog received material from J. Zweeris. The heavily chequered, violet-purple flowers are fragrant, but lack the distinctive white throat characteristic of C. bivonae....
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Colchicum boissierii
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Named after botanist Pierre Edmond Boissier. Unlike most Colchicum, C. boissieri forms a rhizomatous tuber. The bright cherry-pink flowers with a fine white streak have contrasting, yellow stamens and appear in autumn, the usually two leaves...
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. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum byzantinum
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
This probable hybrid of C. cilicicum was first seen in Asia Minor in 1597. The broad, strongly ribbed leaves never appears earlier than in spring. From the strikingly large tubers grow twenty purple flowers. One of the best indoor flowering dry...
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Colchicum byzantinum 'Innocence'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Synonymous with Colchicum byzantinum 'Album'. A floriferous, white, sterile form of C. byzantinum, which has become a rarity. Registered by C.P.J. Breed in 2000. Initially, the flowers are soft purple, but in full bloom the flowers become snow...
Colchicum candidissimum
Intro: 1928. Because of its origin, exclusively in Transcaucasia and Talysh, Dr. Dmitriy Zubov decided in 2021 to keep this taxon separate from C. trigynum and not use it as a synonym as K. Person does. A small, spring-flowering Colchicum with...
Colchicum cilicicum 'Purpureum'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
An imperial purple form of the in Turkey, Syria and Lebanon common species C. cilicicum. The fragrant flowers are decorated with fine grey-white veins on the outside of the petals. Has few soil requirements and tolerates full sun. AGM in 2018...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum cupanii var. pulverulentum
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
C. cupanii is named after the Italian botanist Francesco Cupani (1657-1710). Widely distributed in Greece, Sicily, Sardinia, southern France and Algeria. The offered form is particularly common in Tunisia and is distinguished from the species by...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum kesselringii
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Intro: 1880. Origin: Turkestan and northeastern Afghanistan, often growing together with C. luteum. A variable species, because of which several clone parties are now available through specialists from Lithuania and Latvia. The petals are white on...
Colchicum luteum
A yellow Colchicum that flowers from February onwards. The origin of this oddity is Kashmir and from Baluchstan to Afghanistan to southwest China. In areas with moist spring and dry, hot summer and autumn. First described in 1875 in the "Botanical...
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Colchicum munzurense
A spring-flowering species from Turkey, first described in 1999. Exuberantly flowering and amazingly easy to propagate. Small pale violet flowers, black-purple stamens and a dark throat.
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Colchicum pannonicum
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Origin: Hungary, Romania. This Colchicum is closely related to C. autumnale and some experts consider it to be a subspecies of C. autumnale, even though the flowers are slimmer and more refined. Is is also offered under the cultivar name C. 'Nancy...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Colchicum serpentinum
The pale lilac flowers of this species from the Caucasus and Turkey appear in early spring, occurring on dry stone slopes. The petals are narrow, elliptical in shape, at the base there are bright orange spots. The anthers are black and the pollen...
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Colchicum speciosum 'Album'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Introduced by the Backhouse Nursery of York. Has won numerous awards since 1900. Perhaps the most beautiful white Colchicum there is. Sturdy goblet shaped white flowers with a soft green throat. The leaves are hairless. From one bulb grow several...
Colchicum speciosum 'Atrorubens'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
According to E.A. Bowles the best dark purple Colchicum, it had earned its first award back in 1933 and at the R.H.S.'s last trial in 2018 an AGM. The R.H.S.'s highest award given only to the very best garden-worthy plants. A striking, intensely...
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Colchicum szovitzii var. brachyphyllum
The native range of this short-leaved subspecies is from southern Turkey to north-western Jordan. Growing in temperate climates, Colchicum flowers appear immediately after winter, usually pink, pale pink, sometimes white. The range are descendants...
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Colchicum x 'Lysimachus'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Selected from a batch of C. autumnale collected from Mount Falakros (near the town of Drama) in northern Greece. Probably a hybrid with C. haynaldii. Vigorously growing and richly flowering with lilac-pink flowers, on the inside a clearly...
Convallaria majalis 'Prolificans'
A Lily of the Valley that seems double through the fusion of the fragrant flowers, but it is not. An extra-long, profusely flowering selection.
Convallaria majalis 'Rosea'
The only lily-of-the-valley with pink flowers. The colour looks best in the shadow, in the full sun it fades. Fragrant in the May. Selected by German Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm, during his exile on the Huis Doorn estate in Doorn.
Corydalis bulbosa
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
The common name "Hollowroot" refers to the subterranean part, which is mostly hollow. Origin: Eurasia. The twenty pink or white spurred flowers form a cluster and bloom in early spring. The plant prefers a slightly woodsy soil. It used to be a...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis buschii
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
The now available rootstocks were once found near Vladivostok (Siberia). This species has purplish red flowers. A great feature of the species is that if the rootstocks would be planted too deep or too shallow, a new root system is created at the...
Corydalis glaucescens 'Early Beauty'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
On his very first trip to the mountains, Janis Ruksans found a corydalis in the Medeo Mountains in Kazakhstan. Before the corydalis was given its proper name, it went through life as: 'The pretty corydalis from the Kyrgyz Alatau'. Later, Arnis...
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Corydalis haussknechtii
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
First described in the notes of the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh in 1988. Its range is restricted to south-eastern Turkey and northern Iraq, growing in temperate climates. The slender stem bears an airy-looking flower cluster, consisting of...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis kusnetzovii
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
An early-flowering species from the forests of the northern Caucasus, Teberda, Stavropol. A variable species, the flowers of the offered form are creamy white with an apricot-pink hue and stand in compact clusters. (B)
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. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis ledebouriana
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A very early flowering species, usually occurring on somewhat nutrient-rich soils in the mountains of Central Asia. The offered lot was found on Mount Chimgan in Uzbekistan, where it occurs en masse among the Gagea. The compact flower cluster...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis marschalliana
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A closely related species to C. bulbosa (cava), cave root, from the Balkans, Crimea, Caucasus and north-western Iran, among others. It is characterised by completely ovate to elliptical leaf lobes, but because of its wide distribution, other leaf...
Corydalis nudicaulis 'Talogan'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Originating from a population in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, distinct from the species because of a late flowering, coarser and broader leaves, dark green and even glistening. The flower colour is unusual, white with contrasting brown. C. nudicaulis...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis schanginii subsp. ainae ‘Apricotin'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
From numerous seedlings of C. schanginii subsp schanginii x C. schanginii subsp. ainae, this new hybrid was selected at the Dambrascus nursery. The flowers stand out with an intense pink- apricot hue, the grey-green foliage is more broadly lobed...
Corydalis schanginii subsp. schanginii
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
This corydalis probably has the largest distribution area of all Central Asian species. Available are descendants of plants that were collected at 1800-2000 m altitude in Kyrgyzstan near Bishek in 1975. When this miracle was found in 1833, they...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis solida 'Cantate'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Spring Corydalis or bird-in-a-bush. Origin: Lebanon, western Asia and large parts of Europe. In the Netherlands along the major rivers, around old country estates and still here and there in southern Limburg. A special feature of this bulbous...
Corydalis solida subsp. solida
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Also called Spring Corydalis or bird-in-a-bush. Origin: Lebanon, West Asia and parts of Europe. In the Netherlands along the great rivers around old country estates and even some areas in South Limburg. A particular feature of this plant is the...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis solida subsp. solida 'Beth Evans'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Bright pink flowers with a white spot on the spurs which becomes more noticeable as the flowering time passes. The leaves are coarser than those of the other varieties. Reliable. (B)
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Corydalis solida subsp. solida 'Merlin'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Truly a beauty: the purest white flowers, with a subtle dark purple line on the petal tabs. Compact flower clusters.
Corydalis solida subsp. solida 'Purple Bird'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
After years of selecting beautiful seedlings of C. solida, Mr. Huisman developed a series of Bird-in-a-bush with bird names. This find is deep purple. Another selection appears to have been registered recently under this name, therefore it is...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Corydalis solida subsp. solida 'White Knight'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Blooms very late, one of the latest. The racemes of large white flowers are longer than in the other varieties.
Corydalis vittae 'Goliath'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
In the western Caucasus growing Corydalis vittae, A. Seisums encountered this large form. The initially creamy white flowers glow to snow-white. A beautiful, robust, late-flowering Corydalis, certainly among the best white forms. (S)
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Crocus 'Lucifer'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
This real beauty was created from : C. veluchensis x C. gramensis. The latter is an unpublished crocus from the Grammos Mountains in Greece. The outer petals of the flowers of 'Lucifer' are soft yellow, with a lilac-pink glow, the inner petals are...
Crocus 'Yalta'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Named after the city Yalta in Crimea, because Janis Ruksans got the seed from which this beauty was selected from the Nikitsky botanical garden in Yalta. The seed came from a C. tommasinianus which had almost certainly crossed naturally with C....
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus abantensis
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1975. Origin: northwest Turkey at 1700 m altitude, near Lake Abant where it usually grows together with C. ancyrensis. Very pretty light blue flowers with a contrasting yellow base. Very resistant to fickle weather conditions.
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Crocus alatavicus
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1868. C. alatavicus is found near melting snow in mountain meadows at altitudes of 1100-2400 metres. Its range extends from Tashkent in Uzbekistan to eastern and westernmost China, the only species naturally occurring there. White flowers...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus alexandrii
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Of European origin, on mountain pastures in Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia and northern Greece. Recognisable by its white throat, there are deep purple blushes on the outside of the flower. A somewhat later-flowering crocus and a very reliable...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus angustifolius
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
The so-called cloth-of-gold crocus. Origin: Crimea and southern Ukraine. Colour: yellow on the inside, phlox purple on the outside (sometimes striped) with a brown-purple glow. The name comes from Susa, the ancient capital of the Persian Empire.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus angustifolius 'Bronze Form'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A hybrid, created by crossing C. angustifolius with an unidentified partner. Bronze yellow with diffuse lilac feathers best describes the colour of the outer petals. A striking, sterile crocus.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus balansae 'Orange Monarch'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1879. Origin: Western Turkey. Named after the French botanist Benjamin Balansa (1825-1891), who visited Turkey many times. A sublime crocus with dark orange flowers, coloured chocolate brown to bronze on the outside. Orange Monarch is a...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus banaticus
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
C. banaticus grows in damp, cool places in Romania, northeast of the former Yugoslavia and in southwestern Ukraine. A unique deep lilac-blue autumn crocus of which the outer petals are much longer than the inner. For a cool place.
Crocus biflorus
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
This C. biflorus was found in Italy, near Rome. Vivid light blue with dark veining on the outside of the petals. An unusual colour for the species biflorus.
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Crocus biflorus 'Violet Fog'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
This profusely flowering form was found in a batch of seedlings of Crocus biflorus subsp alexandri 'Major'. In the heart of the flower there is a yellow circle, the outside of the petals are intensely violet feathered from the bottom, becoming...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus biflorus subsp. biflorus
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1629. Scottish crocus. Origin: Italy, Sicily and Rhodes, as well as northwestern Turkey. A sublime crocus with white sepals with on the outside violet stripes.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus biflorus subsp. tauri
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
The variable subspecies has a wide range, northwestern Iran, northern Iraq and Turkey. The attractive violet-blue flowers with a yellow throat and yellow anthers are darkly feathered on the outside.
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Crocus boryi
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Named after the French botanist Jean Baptiste Bory de Cent-Vincent. The species is found, among others, in ancient olive groves, rocky grasslands and sand dunes to the south and west of Greece, the Ionian Islands and southeast Crete. The available...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Crocus cartwrightianus 'Albus'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Intro: 1843. Origin: Greece and the island of Crete. Initially C. cartwrightianus was considered to be C. sativus they are closely related to each other. Flower and leaves appear simultaneously. The pure white flowers are accentuated by three...
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Crocus cartwrightianus 'Marcel'
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
An offspring selected from a seed lot CEH 613 and named after one of Antoine Hoog's sons. Very soft lilac flowers. The veins that lighten from the dark centre are clearly visible. Also very attractive are the three bright red stigmas.
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Crocus caspius
. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
The slightly fragrant flowers of this species, which occurs in Azerbaijan and Iran along the Caspian Sea coast, are usually white with a yellow throat. Sometimes the flowers are soft lilac or show a hint of lilac. Two flowers usually appear one...
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. Delivery from the end of Augustus 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Ard Schenk'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Registered on December 31, 1974. Immediately after the winter, the flower buds appear, with a bluish blush on the outside. As soon as the spring sunshine comes through, its many flowers open and show a yellow tube surrounded by pure white petals.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Bird'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Back in 1954, this crocus won an Award of Merit and even a First Class Certificate a year later. The inside of the flower is white with a yellow heart, while the outside is ice blue with a purple blush on each petal.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Marlin'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Soft blue C. chrysanthus. Lilac feathered on the outside.
Crocus chrysanthus 'Cream Beauty'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Flower colour: cream coloured on both outside and inside. The heart is bronze-green surrounded by a purple edge. Beautiful, frayed orange stigmata. Rich, early flowering and well suited for naturalising .
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Elegance'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus Elegance is a good-growing, strikingly strong-coloured variety, golden yellow with maroon on the outer petals. Suitable for naturalising.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Gipsy Girl'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A for the species large-flowered crocus that won many awards in the 1960s. The golden yellow flowers are adorned on the outside with brown stripes.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Herald'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Flower colour inside: yellow, the 3 inner petals are primula-yellow and the flower tube is light bronze-green. The outer petals are plum-purple, with a narrow pale yellow margin. The stamens soft yellow.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Ladykiller'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
The striking group Crocus chrysanthus is characterised by its many spectacular colours. The original form (intro: 1843) finds its origin in the Balkans, Greece and Turkey. The range consists of probably all species hybridised with C. biflorus....
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Panda'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus with striking contrasting colours, dark purple (almost black) with white. Suitable for naturalising.
Crocus chrysanthus 'Polar Bear'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
White crocus with a gray tinge, golden yellow at the base. Small-flowered.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Prins Claus'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1959. Fairly large flowers whose inside is white with inconspicuous spots. The exterior is white with an oval bluish blush, white towards the edge. Floriferous and good for naturalising.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
The striking group Crocus chrysanthus is characterised by its many spectacular colours. The original form (intro: 1843) has its origins in the Balkans. Extremely suitable for naturalising, it flowers pleasantly early.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Skyline'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1972. A selection from seed of C. chrysanthus 'Blue Bird' x C. chrysanthus 'Jester'. The inner leaves are lobelia blue, changing to white. The outer petals are wisteria blue and violet feathered.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus 'Zenith'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1971. A slightly later flowering crocus chrysanthus, light violet in colour.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus chrysanthus ‘Uschak Orange’
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Introduced by Mr M.H. Hoog. Collected in the mountains near Uschak, Turkey. Here it blooms very early and abundantly with orange-yellow-tinged flowers.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus concinnus 'Vltava'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus concinnus is found on the south side of the mountain range in Kuyucak Daglari in Antalya, Turkey. Concinnus means: beautiful, elegant, a good description about this selection by Václav Jošt. The soft blue flower has dark veining on the...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus corsicus
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1838. They are still found in central and northern Corsica. There are only two species on the island of Corsica, the other is C. minimus. The flowers of this very peculiar crocus are light to dark purple on the inside, the outside is...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus dalmaticus
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
C. dalmaticus was first written about in 1840. Its range is wide: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and northern Albania, extending along the Adriatic coast. The inner petals are bright lilac, the outer ones brownish yellow. Of course,...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Crocus etruscus 'Zwanenburg'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A selection which dating from 1939. Distinguishable from the original species by the intense pink color with a violet, almost blue glow. The outer petals feature feather-like shapes on a somewhat grey background. Good for naturalising.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024