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Nieuwe Oogst, flower bulbs
The website is once again full of novelties. Thanks to the infinite supply that nature brings with it; a site full of worldly bulbs.
In the Netherlands, A. apennina still occurs sporadically. The tubers offered are from a vegetatively propagated lot, collected at the time near Petrovac in Macedonia. Beautiful ferny, soft hairy leaves, bright blue flowers. Ideal for undergrowth,...
Intro: 1771. The (10 to 20) narrow petals are light sky blue at the bottom, while the inside is entirely white. The original A. apennina occurs in forested areas of southern Europe, among others the Apennines in Italy, but also on the island of...
The first descriptions of this in South Eastern Europe, Cyprus, the Caucasus and western Turkey occurring species date from before 1700. By crossing and lots of selection work the now available cultivars arose. Anemone blanda naturalises well, but...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
In Greek meadows, large-flowered, colourful anemones are still plentiful. They are excellent cut flowers and also combine well with other bulbous plants, as has been the case in recent years in mixed plantings.
Anemones flower longer if the spent...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
In Greek meadows, the large-flowered, coloured anemones are still being found. They are excellent cut flowers and can be beautifully combined with other bulbous plants, as is often done at the Keukenhof in recent years. The anemones bloom longer...
Wood anemone (nemorosus means: growing in the forest). A fast-growing, ground covering, rhizome-forming plant that is very wide spread (from Lapland to Italy, but also in Asia and North America). The wood anemone was already known in the 16th...
Intro: 1771. A double-flowered white form of A. nemorosa. The flowers are slightly smaller than those of A. nemorosa 'Vestal' and more irregular in shape. We offer a nice selection.
A semi-double, white flowering wood anemone. A beautiful blue heart appears mid-bloom. Becomes really beautiful when the tubers have been standing on the same spot for a few years.
Vernoemd naar een buitenplaats in het zuiden van Engeland, het huis Leed’s Castle. Dit is de grootst bloemige kloon in de A. nemorosa, zuiver witte bloemen met op de achterzijde een roze zweem. Ze zijn wel twee keer groter dan de normale A....
A showy anemone. The white flowers are surrounded by a collar of fused lighter green petals. The inside often has a bluish glow which is dark near the heart and lighter towards the tips. Lovely.
Een introductie uit Amerika van een Europese species. De bloem bestaat uit twee tot drie kransen witte bloemblaadjes die onregelmatig groen gekleurd zijn aan de achterzijde. In het hartje zijn de goudgele helmknoppen zichtbaar.
This anemone was collected by Frank Waley at the time of the First World War in France. Later he spread it from his garden in Sevenoaks, Kent. Soft blue, large flowers with prominent stamens.
Was introduced in 1870 by Sir William Robinson, an influential Victorian gardener and journalist who saw this anemone in the Botanical Garden of Oxford. Flower colour: light blue, greyish on the outside.
Royal blue flowers, the deepest blue of all cultivars, contrasting beautifully with the dark, deeply cut foliage. Earned an Award of Merit in 1915. The entire plant structure is refined and graceful.
A double-flowered form with regularly arranged golden-yellow petals. The outer petals are green, dark red at the tips. Some of the petals may have a few yellow speckles. A beautiful form of the very variable A. ranunculoides.
Intro: 1596. A particularly attractive anemone which occurs in almost all of Europe with the exception of the Mediterranean. This growth habit of this anemone has some similarities with A. nemorosa. The beautiful deep yellow flowers consist of 5-8...
Intro 1850, probably A. pavonia x A. hortensis, occurring in southern France. Large scarlet flowers. The yellowish-white centre encloses the black stamens, creating a striking contrast. The leaves are less incised than those of A. coronoria, to...
A sweet and rich flowering anemone, the result of a natural crossing of Anemone nemorosa x Anemone ranunculoides. Somewhat variable, still occurs in places where both parents grow together in nature. Soft primrose yellow flowers in March-April....