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Gladiolus colvillei 'Albus'
Gladiolus dalenii
Gladiolus nanus 'Nathalie'
Gladiolus nanus 'Nymph'
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Gladiolus nanus 'Summer Bride'
Gladiolus nanus 'Summer Jewel'
Gladiolus nanus 'Summer Love'
Gladiolus nanus 'Vulcano'
Gladiolus papilio
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Gladiolus papilio 'Ruby'
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The Gladiolus is an incredibly popular flowering plant known for its elegant, upright flowers. This plant belongs to the iris family and originally comes from South Africa, although it is now cultivated worldwide. The Gladiolus flower is a popular plant, especially because of its impressive flowers that come in many colours. Due to the height of the stems and the inflorescence, the gladiolus is also a popular cut flower.
Characteristics of the special Gladiolus
The Gladiolus is a special plant with some striking characteristics. The flowers grow in a spiral shape along the stem and come in many colours, ranging from white and pink to yellow, purple and orange. The leaves are long, narrow and lance-shaped with a sturdy green structure. In terms of height, the plant can grow up to one and a half metres, making it a striking plant in gardens or flower boxes.
Planting Gladiolus in your garden
Do you want to plant Gladiolus bulbs and enjoy a colourful garden? These flowers are relatively easy to grow, but it is important to take into account a number of factors in order to enjoy this plant for a long time:
Soil type and location
Gladiolus bulbs prefer well-drained soil and a sunny spot. It is important to plant the bulbs in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. The soil should be rich in organic matter and well-drained, as Gladiolus bulbs do not like moist or heavy soils.
Planting Gladiolus
The best time to plant Gladiolus bulbs is in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed. Plant the bulbs about 10 cm deep and with a distance of 15 to 20 cm between them. Make sure that the pointed side of the bulb is facing upwards.
Care of Gladiolus
Gladiolus need regular watering, especially during flowering. Make sure that the soil remains moist, but prevent water from remaining in the soil. Fertilize the plant monthly with a fertilizer that is rich in potassium to stimulate strong flowering.
Gladiolus as a cut flower?
One of the biggest advantages of the Gladiolus is that it is an excellent cut flower. The long flowering period and the intense colours make it perfect for bouquets and flower arrangements. Gladiolus flowers can last a week or longer in a vase, making them a good choice for bridal bouquets, for example.
Frequently asked questions about the Gladiolus
How long does it take for the Gladiolus to bloom?
Depending on the species and the conditions, it can take between 70 and 90 days for a Gladiolus flower to fully bloom after planting the bulb.
Can the Gladiolus be grown in a pot?
Yes, the Gladiolus can certainly be grown in a pot. Make sure the pot has sufficient drainage holes and use a well-draining potting soil. They grow well in a pot if they get enough sunlight and are watered regularly.
When should you dig up the Gladiolus bulbs?
After flowering, you can dig the bulbs out of the ground and store them for the next season. This should ideally be done in the fall, after the leaves have wilted. Store the Gladiolus bulbs in a cool, dry place until you replant them.
Buy Gladiolus?
Want to find Gladiolus bulbs for sale and enjoy these beautiful flowers in your garden? Take a look at our Gladiolus shop and discover our collection. You can easily view Gladiolus options and order your favorite Gladiolus bulbs online.
Take a look at our beautiful Gladiolus bulbs. Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us!