Nijssen Tuin & Bulbs Heemstede | Official site of Peter C. Nijssen
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Rhodoxis and Rhodohypoxis
Rhodoxis (rapid stars) are hybrids from intergeneric crossings of Hypoxis and Rhodohypoxis.
They are plants with bulbs ('rootstocks'), which are kept indoors (dry), frost-free and mouse-free(!) in their own pots during winter. From early March, the bulbs can be repotted into a pot twice as large and/or divided over several pots. From the end of April, the bulbs then provide new growth and flowering. For the plants, it is important to water sufficiently during flowering and to remove spent flowers. With proper care, x Rhodoxis plants will flower for months at a time. The bulbs of the rapid stars can easily double each year.
Rhodohypoxis grows naturally in southern Africa, where they grow at altitudes of 1000m to 2300m in creek valleys with rocky soil. In the Netherlands, Rhodohypoxis have been available flowering in pots at nurseries for more than 25 years. The plants have small grass-like leaves and the flower stalks are from 5 to 15 cm long. They bloom with star-like flowers in many colours between white and red(purple) . The petals are so close together in the centre of the flower that it appears to be closed (closed eye). Flower parts such as stamens, pistil and ovary are thus hidden inside the flower. Rhodohypoxis flowers in bright colours in May, June and July, regardless of the weather conditions.
Rhodoxis and Rhodohypoxis
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Hypoxis setosa
Rhodohypoxis baurii var. confecta
Rhodohypoxis millioides 'Beverly'
Rhodoxis 'Anne Crock'
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Rhodoxis 'Bloodstone'
Rhodoxis 'Fairy Kisses'
Rhodoxis 'Fairy Snow' ®
Rhodoxis 'Fanny'
Rhodoxis 'Guurtje'
Rhodoxis 'Hebron Farm Pink'
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Rhodoxis 'Hendrika'
Rhodoxis 'Irene'
Rhodoxis 'Little Pink Pet'
Rhodoxis 'Maartje'
Rhodoxis 'Mrs. Betsy'
Rhodoxis 'Nanda'
Rhodoxis 'Nina'
Rhodoxis 'Otterlo Ruby'
Rhodoxis 'Philou'
Rhodoxis 'Ruby Giant'
Rhodoxis 'Sandy'
Rhodoxis 'Sonja'
Rhodoxis 'Soutje'
Rhodoxis 'Trijntje'
Rhodoxis 'Truus'
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