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Organic seeds

Organic seeds from seed farm DE BOLSTER.

DE BOLSTER produces organic and biodynamic seeds. These seeds are propagated at its own farm in Epe, but also in cooperation with several certified external growers. This ensures visibility of own productions and they know exactly where the seeds come from. They produce seeds of vegetables, herbs, flowers, green manures and sprouts. Besides the so-called seed multiplication, they also invest in developing new varieties.

Seed origin:

That the seeds are produced organically automatically implies that all these seeds on offer are GMO-free (free of genetic modification). GMO involves artificial interference with DNA, something DE BOLSTER certainly does not want. By controlling their own productions, they know exactly where the seeds come from and can guarantee quality.

What is organic?

There are a number of strict requirements that DE BOLSTER must meet to keep their organic label. For example, no artificial fertilisers and no pesticides may be used during the production of the seeds. Instead, natural manure is used over the fields and natural enemies are used against aphids, for example. Organic farms are inspected by the independent institute Skal Biocontrole, which ensures that productions meet strict organic standards. Companies are then issued the organic certificate.


All DE BOLSTER seeds carry the EKO label, which means they are organically produced. In addition, with some products you will also find the DEMETER logo, which means that those seeds come from a biodynamic company. These companies go beyond the European legislation for organic farming, marked by the previously mentioned EKO quality mark for organic farming. 

Organic seeds

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Pompoen, Cucurbita moschata 'Butternut' -zaden-
Certificering: EKO. Pompoen Butternut is een traditioneel, rankend ras. Crème kleurige vruchten. Kleine zaadholte, zachte smaak en matig houdbaar. Zaaien: Eind april-begin mei, warm voortrekken onder glas, liefst bij zonnig weer en tijdens de...
Prei, Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum 'Blauwgroene Herfst' -zaden-
Leek 'Blauwgroene Herfst' is quite strong and does not suffer wear and tear in the late autumn/winter. Moreover, it can withstand frost quite well. Leek requires a nutritious and deeply loosened soil. Plant when the leek plants are as thick as a...
Prei, Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum 'Herfstreuzen' -zaden-
Leek 'Autumn Giant 2' is ideal for autumn cultivation. Preferably grow on nutritious, deeply loosened soil. This robust and highly productive variety forms a thick stem.
Pronkboon Lady Di, Phaseolus coccineus -zaden-
The stringless, runner bean 'Lady Di' is purple with black seeds. The very robust, vigorous crop has beautiful flowers and pods of about 28-30 cm long.
Raapsteel, Brassica rapa subsp. campestris 'Namenia' -zaden-
Turnip green 'Namenia' is a spring vegetable and tastes delicious mashed or in a salad. 'Namenia' can also be grown for baby leaves. It has a short growing period and produces tender leaves.
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'Cherry Belle' -zaden-
Radish Cherry Belle is a beautiful round radish, which does not rot very quickly. If the sowing happens regularly, one gets a pleasant well spread harvesting period. Using nets can prevent damage caused by larvae of the cabbage fly or cabbage maggots
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'French Breakfast 2' -zaden-
Radish ‘French Breakfast 2’ is a beautiful mid-length radish with red and white colour. Sow from February in the greenhouse or from March in the garden. Sow thinly in rows at a distance of 15 cm. The harvest is already after 4 to 6 weeks. Sow...
Rammenas, Raphanus sativus 'Ronde Zwarte' -zaden-
Winter radish Round back/ Black Spanish is very suited for crudités in autumn and winter. It grows on every type of soil. Preservation: replant in a frost-free plot with sand before replanting remove the leafage. Cabbage maggots less affects this...
Rijsdoperwt 'Eerste vroege mei' Pisum sativum -zaden-
Pea 'Eerste Vroege Mei' is a very productive pea with fine, round seeds. It is suitable for all soil types. Sowing can start in February, for transplanting outdoors in March.
Rijspeul 'Grijze Roodbloeiende', Pisum sativum -zaden-
Rice pod ‘Grey Red Flowering’ looks pretty with its red flowers. Pods at a slightly older stage, when the seeds are just visible, taste slightly sweeter than the very young pods. The rice types should be grown along mesh. When growing along...
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Rijspeul 'Sweet Horizon', Pisum sativum -zaden-
Snow pea 'Sweet Horizon' produces relatively dark, predominantly stringless pods of 9-10 cm long and about 2 cm wide. This variety produces strong, healthy plants that can grow along supports.
Rode biet Chioggia, Beta vulgaris var. rubra -zaden-
Chioggia' beetroot, with its lovely large beets and good yield, originates in the Italian village of Chioggia. 'Chioggia' has a mild, sweet taste and beautiful flesh with red and white rings.
Rode biet, Beta vulgaris var. rubra 'Egyptische platronde' -zaden-
The relatively sweet beetroot 'Egyptian Flatround' is very suitable for storage. It is an early variety. The second half of May is the best time to sow this variety. Please note that these beets cannot be transplanted.
Rucola, Eruca sativa ' Coltivata Esmee' -zaden-
Tender salad rocket with beautifully delicate pinnate leaves. The three-dimensional leaf shape helps create a firm, open structure in salad mixes and stops the leaves from sticking to the packaging. ‘Esmee’ is a fast growing variety that can be...
Salie, Salvia officinalis -zaden-
Sage is a spice used for cooking and healing and the leaves can be used both fresh as dried. This herb is effective against a sore throat and is commonly known as soporific. Insects and butterflies on the contrary, become hyperactive after...
Salvia horminum, Bonte salie paars -zaden-
Annual Clary sage (purple) is suitable for cutting and drying. This robust plant attracts bees. It produces striking, showy purple bracts at the top that enclose small flowers.
Slaapmutsje, geel, Eschscholzia caespitosa -zaden-
The yellow Foothill Poppy has heavily incised leaves and a lemon yellow color. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Sow directly in April or May.
Snack-komkommer 'Kaikura F1', Cucumis sativus -zaden-
Snack cucumber 'Kaikura F1' is crunchy, tasty and perfect for snacking at work or school due to its fruit size. The variety is particularly suitable for outdoor cultivation and can be grown throughout the season. Harvest from June to September.
Snackpaprika Capsicum annuum 'Arwen' -zaden-
Arwen' is a snack pepper with fairly short but very robust plants. The tasty red fruits reach a length of 7-8 cm and weigh 30 to 40 grams. 'Arwen' is a highly productive variety.
Snijbiet selectie Sunset, Beta vulgaris var. cicla -zaden-
Chard 'Sunset Selection' is suitable as a baby leaf in late summer and autumn. In winter it performs well in frost-free greenhouses. It thanks its name to the fabulous orangey-yellow stems and green leaves.
Snijbiet, Beta vulgaris var. cicla 'Groene Gewone' -zaden-
Chard 'Perpetual Spinach' is easy to grow on all soil types. It is also suitable for baby leaf cultivation. This variety produces lots of green leaves with thin veins.
Snijselderij, Apium graveolens var. secalinum 'Gewone Snij' -zaden-
Certificering: EKO. Snijselderij is een veel gebruikt keukenkruid. Dit ras heeft weliswaar wat grover blad, maar is veel minder gevoelig voor bladvlekkenziekte. Snijselderij verdraagt schaduw en kan meermalen gesneden worden. Eenjarig, hoogte...
Sojaboon Edamame 'Chiba Green', Glycine max -zaden-
Soybean Edamame ‘Chiba Green’ is an early and productive variety with compact, upright plants. The large pods contain three beans each and ripen at the same time, enabling a quick and efficient harvest. Direct sowing: May-June Harvest:...
Spinazie 'Renegade F1', Spinacia oleracea -zaden-
Spinazie 'Renegade F1' kan het hele seizoen worden geteeld, maar is vooral geschikt voor een winter- en vroege voorjaarsteelt. Na ca. 6 weken heeft het gewas al veel massa en een uitstekende bladkwaliteit. Het kan dan als geheel worden geoogst...
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Spinazie Vroeg Reuzenblad, Spinacia oleracea -zaden-
Spinach 'Early Giant Leaf' is exactly what the name suggests. A fast growing variety, especially for early cultivation. Spinach is not very frost-sensitive, so it needs no cover.
Spinazie Winterreuzen, Spinacia oleracea -zaden-
Spinach 'Winter Giant' tolerates frost rather well. This makes it the classic spinach variety for winter cultivation. It has large, deep green leaves. Also suitable as a baby leaf.
Spruitkool 'Groninger', Brassica oleracea -zaden-
Brussels sprouts ‘Groninger’ is an old landrace with lots of variety. Brussels sprouts that are not nicely closed can be used for stew. Pre-sow in April and plant outside in May at 60x50 cm. 1 packet is for about 30 m².
Stamdoperwt Kelvedon Wonder, Pisum sativum -zaden-
Kelvedon Wonder' is a pea that can be grown without support. This variety is very insusceptible to pests and diseases, so is attractive to grow. Sowing can start in February.
Stamslaboon Phaseolus vulgaris 'Domino' -zaden-
Dwarf French Bean 'Domino' produces a wonderful, dark pod. The plant is about 50 cm high and has a high yield. The pods have a uniform set and a good length-to-thickness ratio.
Stamslaboon, Phaseolus vulgaris 'Faraday' -zaden-
Dwarf French Bean 'Faraday' has very fine, long, dark green pods. This commercial variety is highly productive. This type is suitable for both processing and the fresh market.
Stokslaboon, Phaseolus vulgaris ' Cobra' -zaden-
Climbing French Bean 'Cobra' gives a high yield and can be grown in greenhouses and outdoors. 'Cobra' is a fine, long green bean with slow seed development.
Stoksnijboon Vitalis, Phaseolus vulgaris -zaden-
Climbing Flat Bean 'Vitalis' is suitable for both greenhouse and outdoor cultivation. The dark green pod is about 20 cm long. The somewhat slow growth produces excellent quality pods.
Suikermais, Zea mays convar. saccharata 'Golden Bantam' -zaden-
Cobs of 'Golden Bantam' sweetcorn are best harvested on time and consumed immediately. The delicious, sweet taste will then be at its best. Over-fertilising will reduce the sweet flavor.
Tagetes patula, Afrikaantje wild -zaden-
The annual African Marigold, wild grows strongly bushy with lots of fresh green leaves. The single flowers are red when opening, turning to orange. Helps control soil nematodes. Suitable as an interplant in the kitchen garden. Flowering time July...
Tijm, Thymus vulgaris 'Duitse Winter' -zaden-
The leaves and stems of thyme can be used fresh and dried. This culinary and medicinal herb is often used in pasta dishes. Sow in March or April and plant out in May.
Tomaat Solanum lycopersicum 'Bolstar Sensatica F1' -zaden-
Plum tomato 'Bolstar Sensatica F1' weighs about 80 grams. These tomatoes are not harvested until they are completely colored. Only then is the exceptionally great flavor at its best.
Tomaat, Solanum lycopersicum L. 'Bolstar Granda' -zaden-
Tomato 'Bolstar Granda' is highly productive and especially suitable for unheated greenhouses or polytunnels. This vigorous variety produces clusters of 5-10 fruits with a lovely, mild taste.
Tomaat, Solanum lycopersicum L. 'Bartelly F1' -zaden-
Very flavoursome cherry tomato, ideal for summer production in polytunnels and unheated greenhouses. ‘Bartelly’ is a favourite with many growers, partly thanks to its branched trusses and large numbers of fruits which have a wonderful balance...
Tomaat, Solanum lycopersicum L. 'Zuckertraube-type' -zaden-
Cherry Tomato 'Zuckertraube' is very vigorous and produces large trusses with tasty, sweet tomatoes. The fruits are, with a weight of 15-25 grams, just a little bit bigger than cherry tomatoes. The stem needs support and the suckers need to be...
Tropaeolum majus Oost-Indische kers, rankend -zaden-
Nasturtium (vining, climbing) has singular flowers in different shades of yellow, orange and red. The flowers and leaves of the plants are edible. Especially the flowers are used as garnish in salads. Planting close by fruit trees keeps lice at a...
Tropaeolum majus, Oostindische kers, niet-rankende -zaden-
Nasturtium (not vining) has singular flowers in different shades of yellow, orange and red. The flowers and leaves of the plants are edible. Especially the flowers are used as garnish in salads. Planting close by fruit trees keeps lice at a...
Tuinboon, Vicia faba 'Express' selectie Eleonora -zaden-
The commercial broad bean variety 'Eleonora' has long, shiny pods, is known for its high production and is not prone to damage by wind. Sowing can start from early March to mid April.
Tuinboon, Vicia faba 'Ratio' -zaden-
Ratio' is a broad bean with very attractive, well-filled pods. 'Ratio' is a tasty variety developed by De Bolster. It is ideal for freezing. Sow outdoors from March to mid April.
Tuinkers, grootbladig - Kiemgroente, Lepidium sativum -zaden-
De jonge kiemblaadjes van de Grootbladige tuinkers zijn heerlijk te eten waarbij je de eerste gewone blaadjes voor de rauwkost kan gebruiken. Voor het kweken van de kiemgroente hebben wij een heel geschikt kiemschaaltje in ons assortiment. Het...
Tuinkers, Lepidium sativum 'Cressida' -zaden-
Garden cress 'Cressida' is equally happy outdoors or growing year-round on the windowsill. The shoots have a spicy flavor and taste delicious raw. Also suitable as a baby leaf.
Tuinmelde rood, Atriplex hortensis -zaden-
Zoals de naam al zegt, geeft tuinmelde 'Rood' rode bladeren. De rode bladeren van dit ras zijn vrij hoog opstaand. Tuinmelde 'Rood' kan op elke grond geplaatst worden en is geschikt voor de babyleaf teelt. Eén zakje is voor circa 6m2, en de...
Tuinridderspoor, Consolida ajacis -zaden-
Doubtful Knight's Spur is suitable as a cut flower or for drying. This widely-branched plant bears blue spurred flowers.
Ui 'Redlander F1', Allium cepa -zaden-
De rode ui 'Redlander F1' is de eerste rode zaaiui met resistentie tegen valse meeldauw. Ook laat deze ui zich uitstekend bewaren en kent het ras een uniforme, hoge opbrengst. Bij de uienteelt is het belangrijk om onkruid regelmatig te blijven...
Veldsla, Valerianella locusta 'Vit' -zaden-
Corn salad 'Vit' is a variety that forms rosettes of short, dark leaves. It can be grown as baby leaves. The crop is very tolerant and can withstand frost.
Viola tricolor, Driekleurig viooltje -zaden-
Certificering: Demeter. Dit authentieke (driekleurig) viooltje wordt nog steeds door velen gewaardeerd. Het is met name de frisse uitstraling en de sierlijkheid, die deze driekleurig viooltje bijzonder maakt. De paars-geel-witte bloemen blijven...
Vleestomaat 'Coeur de Boeuf', Solanum lycopersicum -zaden-
Beefsteak tomato 'Coeur de Boeuf' is a well-loved variety. It is a fast-growing crop that develops large to very large, heart-shaped fruits which its name refers to.
Watermeloen Sugar baby, Citrullus lanatus -zaden-
Watermelon 'Sugar Baby' is best grown in a greenhouse or a cold frame. Make sure the plants can be visited by insects for pollination. Watermelon 'Sugar Baby' is a beautiful small watermelon weighing about 1.8 kg. Growing on flat fields in a...
Winterwortel, Daucus carota sativus 'Flakkeese 2' -zaden-
Carrot (Winter) Flakkeese has big, orange-red carrots and forms a big crop. The carrots are nice and sweet and this variety has excellent storage properties. For preservation, sow in May and thin out timely at a few centimetres. High usage of...
Witlof Hollandse Middelvroeg, Cichorium intybus var. foliosum -zaden-
Grow chicory 'Hollandse Middelvroeg' at a shallow depth in soil that is low in nitrogen to slow growth. This chicory variety is ideal for traditional cultivation, i.e. cover with soil to force.
Wortelpeterselie 'Halflange' -zaden-
Root Parsley 'Halflange' owes its name to the fact that the thick root is edible as well as the leaves. The plant produces smooth, dark green leaves. The roots are not hardy.
Zoetpuntpaprika Xaro, Capsicum annuum -zaden-
Sweet pointed pepper 'Xaro' has deep ruby fruits. The fruits taste delicious and have a nice straight shape. The fruits weigh 100 to 120 grams and are 18-22 cm long.
Zoetpuntpaprika Zazu, Capsicum annuum -zaden-
Zazu' is a sweet pointed pepper with bright yellow fruits. They have a delicious flavor that stands out when eaten raw. The fruits of this variety reach 18 to 22 cm. 'Zazu' is developed for commercial, organic cultivation.
Zomerpostelein, Portulaca oleracea -zaden-
Only sow summer purslane in warm enough weather. This quick-growing summer vegetable forms light green leaves. Mix seeds with sand to facilitate sowing. Also suitable as a baby leaf.
Zomerwortel 'Yellowstone', Daucus carota -zaden-
Zomerwortel 'Yellowstone' is een veelzijdig wortelras met een mooie gele kleur. Geschikt voor zowel late bospeen teelt als voor winterpeen teelt. Dit ras is ontwikkeld voor de professionele teelt.
Zomerwortel, Daucus carota sativus 'Nantes 2' -zaden-
Nantes 2' carrots produce cylindrical carrots. The wider apart, the larger the carrots will grow. This variety produces nice cylindrical carrots that taste sweet. Sow in the soil, preferably in ridges.
Zonnebloem groot, Helianthus annuus -zaden-
The large-flowered sunflower is a gigantic cut flower that can easily reach a height of 2 meters. The large black seeds of this sunflower are edible.
Zonnebloem, Helianthus annuus 'Velvet Queen' -zaden-
Sunflower ‘’Velvet Queen’’ is a sunflower with branched stems and medium sized flowers with a warm, and attractive bronze colour. The plants can grow up to 2 metres high.
Zonnebloem, kleinbloemig, Helianthus debilis -zaden-
This small-flowering sunflower is a highly branched plant with many flowering stems. The small yellow flowers have a dark centre. Frequent picking encourages continuous flowering. Suitable as a cut flower. Bee plant.
Zonnebloem, middel, geel, Helianthus annuus -zaden-
The medium-sized, yellow sunflower is suitable as a cut flower. Bees and butterflies adore it! The variety produces flowers in various shades of yellow. The plant reaches about 170 cm.