Nijssen Tuin & Bulbs Heemstede | Official site of Peter C. Nijssen
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- Division 1 Trompetnarcissen
- Division 2 Grootkronige narcissen
- Division 3 Kleinkronige narcissen
- Division 4 Dubbelbloemige narcissen
- Division 5 Triandrus narcissen
- Division 6 Cyclamineus narcissen
- Division 7 Jonquilla narcissen
- Division 8 Tazetta narcissen
- Division 9 Poeticus narcissen
- Division 10 Bulbocodium narcissen
- Division 11 Spleetkronige en vlinderbloemige narcissen
- Division 12 Overige narcissen
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Organic seeds
Organic seeds from seed farm DE BOLSTER.
DE BOLSTER produces organic and biodynamic seeds. These seeds are propagated at its own farm in Epe, but also in cooperation with several certified external growers. This ensures visibility of own productions and they know exactly where the seeds come from. They produce seeds of vegetables, herbs, flowers, green manures and sprouts. Besides the so-called seed multiplication, they also invest in developing new varieties.
Seed origin:
That the seeds are produced organically automatically implies that all these seeds on offer are GMO-free (free of genetic modification). GMO involves artificial interference with DNA, something DE BOLSTER certainly does not want. By controlling their own productions, they know exactly where the seeds come from and can guarantee quality.
What is organic?
There are a number of strict requirements that DE BOLSTER must meet to keep their organic label. For example, no artificial fertilisers and no pesticides may be used during the production of the seeds. Instead, natural manure is used over the fields and natural enemies are used against aphids, for example. Organic farms are inspected by the independent institute Skal Biocontrole, which ensures that productions meet strict organic standards. Companies are then issued the organic certificate.
All DE BOLSTER seeds carry the EKO label, which means they are organically produced. In addition, with some products you will also find the DEMETER logo, which means that those seeds come from a biodynamic company. These companies go beyond the European legislation for organic farming, marked by the previously mentioned EKO quality mark for organic farming.
Organic seeds
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Prei, Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum 'Blauwgroene Herfst' -zaden-
Prei, Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum 'Herfstreuzen' -zaden-
Pronkboon Lady Di, Phaseolus coccineus -zaden-
Raapsteel, Brassica rapa subsp. campestris 'Namenia' -zaden-
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'Cherry Belle' -zaden-
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'French Breakfast 2' -zaden-
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'Rudolf' -zaden-
Currently not available for order