Nijssen Tuin & Bulbs Heemstede | Official site of Peter C. Nijssen
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- Division 1 Trompetnarcissen
- Division 2 Grootkronige narcissen
- Division 3 Kleinkronige narcissen
- Division 4 Dubbelbloemige narcissen
- Division 5 Triandrus narcissen
- Division 6 Cyclamineus narcissen
- Division 7 Jonquilla narcissen
- Division 8 Tazetta narcissen
- Division 9 Poeticus narcissen
- Division 10 Bulbocodium narcissen
- Division 11 Spleetkronige en vlinderbloemige narcissen
- Division 12 Overige narcissen
- Division 13 species en wildvormen
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Root vegetables
Root vegetables
With root and tuber crops, you have to think about very different things than when you start growing fruit crops or other vegetables. Very different is the fact that root and tuber crops are mainly concerned with the underground parts: the grown roots. Many of the crops can be stored excellently for the winter. Think for example of winter carrots, parsnips, onion, beetroot, etc.. Do you want to use red beets for winter storage? Then it is smart to sow them a little later, around the end of May. Summer and winter carrots can be sown simultaneously, but winter carrots can be left until the end of September for harvesting and storage. Salsify can also be stored underground, as they are hardy.
Root vegetables
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Knolselderij 'Balena F1' Apium graveaolens -zaden-
Knolvenkel, Foeniculum vulgare 'Perfection' -zaden-
Meiraap Milanese witte roodkop, Brassica rapa var. majalis -zaden-
Pastinaak, Pastinaca sativa subsp. sativa 'Tender and True' -zaden-
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'Cherry Belle' -zaden-
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'French Breakfast 2' -zaden-
Radijs, Raphanus sativus 'Rudolf' -zaden-
Currently not available for order