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Annual and perennial flowers as well as carefully selected flower mixtures, paying attention not only to colour and flower size, but also to sowing and flowering time.


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Akkerbloemenmengsel -zaden-
This field flowers mixture includes buckwheat, crimson clover, phacelia, white mustard, blue lupine and marigold. These various plants can be sown thinly in April and May. 3 grams (for 10 m2).
Argemone polyanthemos, Stekelpapaver -zaden-
The beautiful Crested Prickly Poppy is a really attractive to bees and butterflies. This unusal plant has prickly, blue-green leaves and bears large white flowers.
Bloemenmengsel 'Elegance' -zaden-
‘Elegance’ lives up to its name: this flower mixture contains varieties with small flowers and a fine leaf structure. Pure elegance that is perfect for flower meadows and flower strips in public green spaces. The plants help ensure a rich insect...
Bloemenmengsel Hoog -zaden-
Flower Mixture (high) contains predominantly seeds for sturdy annuals reaching a height of about 100 cm. This mixture may be thinly sown and contains seeds for plants such as Prince's Feather, sunflower, Safflower, Common Mallow and Opium Poppy.
Bloemenmengsel Laag -zaden-
Flower Mixture Low contains a varied mixture of annuals including Cow Herb, Dwarf Lupine, Annual Clary Sage and common poppy. These plants reach a height of approximately 30 cm.
Bloemenmengsel Middelhoog -zaden-
Flower Mixture Medium-High is very varied. It contains annual varieties such as Cow Herb, Dwarf Lupine, Moldavian Dragonhead and Californian Poppy. These plants reach a height of approximately 60 cm.
Bloemenmengsel Tübingermengsel -zaden-
Tübingen Flowers (mixture) is a proven mix for attracting bees and butterflies and is suitable for gardens or field margins. This mixture contains seeds from both non-indigenous and cultivated plants: Phacelia, Buckwheat, White Mustard, Coriander,...
Bolderik, Agrostemma githago -zaden-
Corncockle was traditionally found in corn fields. Corncockle is a tall, wispy plant that produces large, deep pink flowers fading to a white center. The seeds are poisonous. Sow in April or autumn.
Calendula officinalis, Goudsbloem -zaden-
Marigold has singular, orange flowers with a dark heart. These flowers are easy to cultivate and serve as an ornamental plant. It is used for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Marigold flowers can serve as ornament in dishes and it can be...
Centaurea cyanus, Korenbloem -zaden-
Cornflower blue is an old-field herb with blue flowers and is, unfortunately, not so common in wheatfields anymore. The cornflower is suited as cut flower and for drying. The plant is not suitable to replant. Cornflowers need support. Furthermore,...
Cosmea, oranje, Cosmos sulphureus -zaden-
The foliage of Sulfur Cosmos is slightly larger. As the name suggests, the semi-double flowers have a bright orange-red color. This plant is sensitive to frost.
Cosmos bipinnatus, Cosmea gemengd -zaden-
Mixed Cosmos is a firm plant with fine, pinnate leaves and beautiful big flowers, varying in colour from white to dark pink. The flowers are suited as cut flower. Cosmos keeps blossoming when you pick regularly. The flowers are annual and not...
Dianthus barbatus, Duizendschoon -zaden-
Sweet William is a very good cut flower with densely clustered heads of flowers. This old-fashioned, robust plant flowers in a host of color combinations of white, pink, red and purple.
Dipsacus fullonum, Grote kaardebol -zaden-
Wild Teasel is a robust, prickly plant. Its lilac flowers appear in a wreath around its flower head. A good plant for producing dried flowers. Attracts bees and butterflies.
Echinacea purpurea, Rode zonnehoed -zaden-
Purple coneflower has large purplish-red petals surrounding a domed center. It is suitable as a cut flower and besides having medicinal properties, it is also very attractive.
Echium vulgare, Slangekruid -zaden-
De bloemkroon kleurt van rood door naar paars en blauw. Houdt van een zonnige, droge niet te arme standplaats. Kiemt onregelmatig, over een lange periode en heeft behoefte aan een koude behandeling.
Eschscholzia californica, Slaapmutsje, oranje -zaden-
Californian Poppy (orange) has finely incised grey-green leaves and gleaming orange single-petaled flowers. As each flower opens, it pushes its little 'sleeping cap' upward.
Koekruid, roze, Vaccaria hispanica -zaden-
The flowers of pink Cowherb appear after about two months. Cowherb is very easy to grow and has a strongly branched flowering habit. The short flowering period can be compensated for by staggered sowing.
Lathyrus odoratus -zaden-
Sweet pea is a climbing flower, which should be cultivated alongside a wire netting. The flowers, which smell delicious, have short stems and different colours. By picking and preventing the plant from producing seeds (in legumes), the plant will...
Lavatera trimestris Lavatera, grootbloemig -zaden-
Annual Mallow is a firm, branched plant, which is a member of the Malva family. The plant is covered with big (10 centimetres), pink, dark nerved flowers. The flowers can be used as cut flower and the plant is an excellent bee and butterfly plant.
Malva sylvestris Groot kaasjeskruid 'Mauritanica' -zaden-
Common Mallow 'Mauritanica' is a large, strongly branched plant that produces violet flowers. Its seeds resemble a cheese wheel. The flowers can be cut and also attract bees.
Matricaria chamonilla, Echte kamille -zaden-
Chamomile bears white flowers with a yellow center under which is a hollow space. This plant is used for medicinal purposes and for chamomile tea. Sow outdoors in September or early spring.
Nigella damascena, Juffertje in het groen -zaden-
Love-in-a-mist is has light blue and white flowers in a crown of delicate green. The decorative capsules appear after blossoming and are suited for drying. It can be used as a cut flower and is a good plant for bees and butterflies. The plants are...
Papaver rhoeas Klaproos gemengd -zaden-
Mixed Poppy is a delightful mixture of poppies with a wide variety of red colours and shapes. The colours contain different shades of red, with or without white rim. There are both single as double flowers. Bumblebees visit the plants very often.
Papaver somniferum 'Black Paeony' -zaden-
Opium Poppy 'Black Paeony' is a sturdy grey-green plant with deep red-black, double-petaled flowers. After flowering, it produces beautiful seed pods that can be dried.
Papaver somniferum Blauwmaanzaad -zaden-
Opium Poppy (white) is a sturdy plant with grey-green foliage. Its white flowers with a lilac centre bloom for a remarkably short time and attract lots of bees. By late August, its decorative seed pots are suitable for drying.
Papaver somniferum, Slaapbol, rood -zaden-
The seed pods of the red Opium Poppy are suitable for drying at the end of August. Opium Poppy is a gray-green plant with red flowers that bloom briefly. One packet is for approximately 30m2, and the planting distance is 25x25 cm.
Phacelia - Groenbemester, Phacelia tanacetifolia -zaden-
Phacelia is a beautiful plant loved by bees and is also very suited as green manure. Phacelia is neither family of the Brassicaceae nor family of the bean family and therefore very well suited in crop rotation. Phacelia freezes to death in winter.
Salvia horminum, Bonte salie paars -zaden-
Annual Clary sage (purple) is suitable for cutting and drying. This robust plant attracts bees. It produces striking, showy purple bracts at the top that enclose small flowers.
Slaapmutsje, geel, Eschscholzia caespitosa -zaden-
The yellow Foothill Poppy has heavily incised leaves and a lemon yellow color. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Sow directly in April or May.
Tagetes patula, Afrikaantje wild -zaden-
The annual African Marigold, wild grows strongly bushy with lots of fresh green leaves. The single flowers are red when opening, turning to orange. Helps control soil nematodes. Suitable as an interplant in the kitchen garden. Flowering time July...
Tropaeolum majus Oost-Indische kers, rankend -zaden-
Nasturtium (vining, climbing) has singular flowers in different shades of yellow, orange and red. The flowers and leaves of the plants are edible. Especially the flowers are used as garnish in salads. Planting close by fruit trees keeps lice at a...
Tropaeolum majus, Oostindische kers, niet-rankende -zaden-
Nasturtium (not vining) has singular flowers in different shades of yellow, orange and red. The flowers and leaves of the plants are edible. Especially the flowers are used as garnish in salads. Planting close by fruit trees keeps lice at a...
Tuinridderspoor, Consolida ajacis -zaden-
Doubtful Knight's Spur is suitable as a cut flower or for drying. This widely-branched plant bears blue spurred flowers.
Viola tricolor, Driekleurig viooltje -zaden-
Certificering: Demeter. Dit authentieke (driekleurig) viooltje wordt nog steeds door velen gewaardeerd. Het is met name de frisse uitstraling en de sierlijkheid, die deze driekleurig viooltje bijzonder maakt. De paars-geel-witte bloemen blijven...
Zonnebloem groot, Helianthus annuus -zaden-
The large-flowered sunflower is a gigantic cut flower that can easily reach a height of 2 meters. The large black seeds of this sunflower are edible.
Zonnebloem, Helianthus annuus 'Velvet Queen' -zaden-
Sunflower ‘’Velvet Queen’’ is a sunflower with branched stems and medium sized flowers with a warm, and attractive bronze colour. The plants can grow up to 2 metres high.
Zonnebloem, kleinbloemig, Helianthus debilis -zaden-
This small-flowering sunflower is a highly branched plant with many flowering stems. The small yellow flowers have a dark centre. Frequent picking encourages continuous flowering. Suitable as a cut flower. Bee plant.
Zonnebloem, middel, geel, Helianthus annuus -zaden-
The medium-sized, yellow sunflower is suitable as a cut flower. Bees and butterflies adore it! The variety produces flowers in various shades of yellow. The plant reaches about 170 cm.