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Collection of Daan Smit

Nijssen Bulbs Heemstede offers a selection of plants cultivated by Daan Smit. Daan Smit worked for 32 years as a hortulanus at the VU University Amsterdam. There, he built up a scientifically sound plant collection with the help of numerous foreign contacts. He currently has a very varied plant collection of which we offer species such as Begonia grandis subsp.evansiana and Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. katherinae.

Collection of Daan Smit

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Aspidistra hainanensis subsp. caespitosa
Aspidistra hainanensis differs in habit in a much denser compact growth. The leaves are long, light green and narrow to about 1 to 2 cm. Application as a garden plant: for shady places under shrubs or deciduous trees. Will tolerate almost any...
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Ichi Mori Ji’
The uniquely yellow-green striped-leaved Japanese selection 'Ichi Mori Li, of the Aspidistra sichuanensis native to China, planted out in the open in the garden, forms a dense and richly foliated inflorescence about 60 cm high. The plant develops...
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Begonia 'Benitochiba'
B. ‘Benitochiba’ is not hardy. Because of its beautiful leaf shape and colour, this cultivar that originated in Japan is very good to use as a patio plant, in combination with other plants. From mid to late May until the end of October, the...
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Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana
The genus Begonia has more than 1000 real species, not to mention an even larger amount of cultivars. Most occur in tropical countries. Only a few can be kept outside in the Dutch climate during the winter months. One of those species is Begonia...
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Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana 'Alba'
The genus Begonia has more than 1000 real species, not to mention an even larger amount of cultivars. Most occur in tropical countries. Only a few can be kept outside in the Dutch climate during the winter months. One of those species is Begonia...
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Begonia grandis subsp. sinensis
Begonia grandis subsp. sinensis is smaller than the previous one in almost every way. The plant is only slightly higher than 60 cm and the also much smaller leaves are green on both sides, as well as the stems. It starts flowering weeks earlier...
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Bowiea volubilis
Is an unusual herbaceous creeper with a fleshy above-ground bulb that can sometimes grow more than 30 cm in diameter. From the heart of the bulb, after the winter dormancy period, several shoots of up to 3 metres in length shoot upwards and cling...
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Bowiea volubilis -groot-
Is an unusual herbaceous creeper with a fleshy above-ground bulb that can sometimes grow more than 30 cm in diameter. From the heart of the bulb, after the winter dormancy period, several shoots of up to 3 metres in length shoot upwards and cling...
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Canna tuerckheimii
A Goliath among the many hybrids is a true species viz. Canna tuerckheimii (syn: C.altensteinii), which can grow to a height of as much as 3.00 -3.50 m depending on conditions. The thickly fleshy stems feature large banana-like leaves with an...
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Canna x ehemanii
A rather unusual Canna, one with pendulous flowers. Unusual is also the height of a well-developed plant, reaching as much as over 4 metres. This also makes the calyx-shaped, drooping red flowers stand out particularly well. Not hardy, after the...
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Clivia gardenii ‘Hanbury Form’
Offered are three-year-old seedlings. This rather rare Clivia with yellow flowers is very different from the real species, which produces red flowers. A nice detail is that it is self-vertical, i.e. it fertilises itself, resulting in a nice...
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Clivia miniata var. citrina
The yellow-flowering Clivia miniata var. citrina is much less known than its red counterpart and is native to Africa's Eastern Cape coast from KwaZulu-Natal to Swaziland. The plant shown in the first photo was obtained at Kirstenbosch at the time...
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Clivia x cyrtanthiflora
Clivia x cyrtanthiflora is a rather rare cross of C. miniata x C. nobilis, which originated in France around 1860. Surprisingly, this cross bears the typical characteristics of only one parent, namely the pendulous flower shape, which is also the...
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Colocasia esculenta ‘Pink China'
Colocacia esculenta 'Pink China' grows almost without difficulty in a moist place outside in our own gardens. The large attractive light green leaves stand on pink stems and leave a distinctive pinkish stain on the leaf where it meets the leaf...
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Dietes grandiflora
The South African plant Dietes belongs to the Irisaceae and can be used in our country as a so-called ‘Cape plant’, meaning that the culture and treatment is similar to that of orangery plants. That means in summer in a sunny place outdoors, in...
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Drimiopsis maculata
Native to South Africa, this easy-to-grow bulbous plant was imported from there by the V.O.C. to the Netherlands in 1868. After hibernation in spring, the African Hosta has lots of young leaves with dark spots on the upper side, and can be grown...
Ficaria verna 'Brazen Hussy'
Over the years, various forms of Ficaria have been selected and given fantasy so-called cultivar (cv.) names. The cv. mentioned here has striking dark purple, almost black leaves with the shiny butter-yellow flowers standing out very nicely....
Ficaria verna 'Randall's White'
One of many Ficaria selections with strikingly beautiful shimmering white flowers. Early in spring, the plant comes to life after a long period of invisible underground dormancy. As the frost period abates, the leaf rosette-shaped leaves already...
Haemanthus albiflos
Its common name 'paintbrush' refers to the inflorescence of this South African bulbous plant. It is an evergreen amaryllus-like plant that can be kept indoors in pots without much effort. Each bulb has two pairs of soft hairy leaves that are...
Haemanthus deformis
Haemanthus deformis is a rarely offered South African bulbous plant belonging to the group of powdery brassicas. This species is characterised by 2 fairly large short-width leaves, which lie on the ground and from which, around December/January,...
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Haemanthus deformis x H. albiflos
This uncommon cross of Haemanthus deformis x H. albiflos produces a somewhat more robust plant, in which some characteristics of both species can be found: firstly, the leaf type is broader and longer and the inflorescence as in H. albiflos but...
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Haemanthus pauculiformis
It is a relatively small perennial species that produces only one leaf per season. During the leaf change from old to new, 2 of those narrow-lanceolate leaves seem to be visible, the none quickly changing to one, as the old leaf then dies off....
Hedychium greenii
This species, native to the SW.of Buthan, was chosen because of the colourful ornamental value of the green-leaved but red stems, growing up to 1 m in height, on the underside of those green leaves, is strikingly red coloured. Each new shoot is...
Hedychium villosum var. tenuiflorum
Unlike most Hedychiums, this species is a ‘dwarf’ due to its compact growth habit, not growing much higher than about 50-60 cm. Originally native to China (Yunnan), this species is cold-resistant down to -5C. and is therefore better grown in a...
Impatiens flanaganae
Impatiens flanaganae, native to South Africa is an endangered perennial rather rare large, non-hardy species. They prefer a humus and airy soil mixture in which they quickly grow into sturdy plants with thick reddish stems that can reach 1.25 to...
Impatiens tinctoria
This tuberous tall species from Ethiopia, among others, blooms with pretty butterfly-shaped, fragrant white flowers about 7 cm in size, which have a long spur-like appendage at the back and a purple-coloured heart. This balsamien species prefers a...
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Iris foetidissima
An evergreen perennial that, unlike many others of its kind, causes two surprises during the growing season. The first is accompanied by an interesting floral display in a light brownish hue different from irises, followed a few months later by...
Iris graminea
Native to N. Spain to Z. Russia and the Caucasus and forms a compact grassy evergreen plant of 15- 40 cm in height between which-just below the leaves-the fragile, for irises rare, plum-scented flowers the form in June. It is a very rewarding...
Iris lactea
Iris lactea (formerly offered as I. illiensis) is native to the Balkans, where it grows in dry stony prairies. This rare species therefore withstands drought well and grows about 60 cm high . Flowers appear around May-June. The flower shape is...
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Iris pseudacarus x I. sibirica
It is a stroke of luck that the crossing of the common yellow lis, Iris pseudacorus x I. sibirica, native to us, produces such a special and beautiful result. Both Iris species originally growing in water are perfectly hardy and planted along the...
Iris pseudacorus
The yellow iris, progenitor of and 10 or so fine cultivars, is a common species in marshes, along river banks and water bodies and has water-purifying properties. Occur within Europe as well as in Siberia, the Caucasus, for Asia and N. America....
Iris pseudacorus 'Albus'
A rare white-flowering select of the well-known yellow lis that is common along ditches and in marshes with us. The plant develops at home in the garden in a sun-drenched moist or even wet spot. Flowering occurs from June to early August. The...
Iris pseudacorus 'Berliner Tiger'
Is a striking appearance with yellow-brown striped (tiger-like) flowers. Like other Iris pseudacorus selections, it too wants to grow superbly in moist to wet garden soil.
Iris pseudacorus var. bastardii
This variety blooms with striking creamy yellow flowers.
Iris x robusta 'Gerard Darby'
Was created by crossing Iris versicolor with Iris virginica, creating hybrids of which some have been selected as valuable cultivars, with 'Gerard Darby' being one of the best. Both parents are moisture-loving plants with their offspring...
Ledebouria maxima
Ledebouria maxima is an extremely rare species, native to the sub-tropical part of KwaZulu-Natal (S. Africa). This slow-growing lily-like succulent forms fairly large bulbs that protrude halfway above the ground and slowly divide as it ages. The...
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Ledebouria socialis -green leaved-
This Ledebouria is a plain green-leaved form of the more familiar true species native to southern Africa, which has silvery narrow oblong leaves with some dark spots here and there. In contrast, this selection has somewhat broader light-green...
Maianthemum bifolium subsp. kamschaticum
It is a much smaller edition of the species that is also distinguished by its also much smaller leaves that are heart-shaped and stand on slender stalks, and together form dense sod-like mats and are therefore very suitable as ground cover in...
Ochagavia carnea
Ochagavia is a particularly rare rosette-forming bromelia from Chile, of which only one species is known so far. It is a so-called terrestrial bromelia, which means "growing on the ground", in contrast to epiphytic bromeliads, which usually grow...
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Ornithogalum longibracteatum
A South African species, synonym O. caudatum. Long fleshy dark green leaves grow from the heart, and a little later in time the flower stalks, up to sometimes more than a metre long, also appear with terminal dense flower clusters, consisting of...
Phaenosperma globosa
An ornamental grass that is, inter alia, native to China, and still relatively unknown in Europe. It was found that the plant, after being fully rooted, is hardy in the Netherlands. On a sunny spot, in any soil, it can grow into beautiful tufts,...
Puya raimondii
Puya raimondii belongs to the Bromeliaceae and is the largest species in the family, occurring naturally at an altitude of approx. 3-4000m. in Peru and Bolivia and can live there for some 50-70 years. They flower only once and after flowering the...
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Reineckia carnea
At first glance, Reineckia carnea looks like a common grass but on closer inspection it belongs to the asparagaceae family. Originally native to China and Japan, this plant belongs to the hardy groundcover perennials that eventually form dense...
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Rohdea japonica 'Marginata'
Rohdea japonica 'Marginata': is native to Japan and China and is called Japanese lily. It is an evergreen, slow-growing perennial plant and is distinguished by its 60 cm long, upright sturdy green leaves edged with a narrow creamy-white margin....
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Rohdea pachynema
Is a hitherto unknown and rare evergreen perennial, 15-20 cm tall, belonging to the Asparagaceae family and native to China and Japan. This forest dweller forms abundant offshoots, eventually creating an attractive mat-shaped hardy ground cover....
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Scadoxus membranaceus
A relatively rare Amaryllus-like plant that occurs naturally along much of the eastern southern African coastline from Port-Elizabeth to KwaZulu-Natal. It is a strong species, which in cultivation - if properly cared for - expands for many years...
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Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katherinae
This beautiful South African bulbous plant dies completely in late autumn. This makes it possible to keep the potted plant dry in a dark but frost-free place . Around mid-April-March, the bulb shows signs of life again. Then it is time to move the...
Sinningia aff. calcaria -40 jarige grote knol-
The Sinningia aff. calcaria offered here is and rarely available species belonging to the family of Gesneriaceae, almost all of which are tropical. What few people suspect is that this species can be grown outdoors in the garden from late May to...
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Sinningia leucotricha
This plant belonging to the Gesneriaceae family is a striking appearance because of its strongly silver-grey haired leaves. The bright red flowers stand out beautifully against it. 10-year-old tuber.
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Sinopodophyllum hexandrum var. chinense
This shade-loving, slow-growing perennial is native to the Himalayan/Sikkim region and adorns itself later in spring with waxy white flowers that can develop into a rather large fire-red fleshy fruit later in the spring. The plant has fairly...
Solanum tuberosum 'Grimpanti'
Essentially there are probably no climbing potatoes known, but there are upright high-growing forms that, as in this form, can make it to 1.50 m with the support of some brushwood or tonkin canes. They can then flower profusely all summer with...
Tillandsia aeranthos
The so-called ‘Airplants’ group of plants certainly includes Tillandsia aeranthos, which flowers abundantly without any visible roots. With its dark purplish-blue flowers between intensely pink-coloured bracts, they stand out and are a feast for...
Tillandsia albida
Tillandsia albida stands out as a plant because of its rather large decorative silver-white leaf rosettes hence the species albida = white. These rosettes are formed by many 10-20 cm long silvery-white leaves that are covered by almost invisible...
Tillandsia bergeri
Tillandsia also called "air plants" are native to Argentina . They live off rain and humidity. The silver-grey leaves, together form a rosette that adhere to rock walls against which they naturally grow. They prefer a light sunny position and can...

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Tillandsia incarnata
Tillandsia incarnata belongs to one of the larger plants that naturally grow mostly on rocks, forming greyish rosettes that are easy to keep in cultivation. They should then be hung in a sunny spot in the garden during the growing season. There,...
Titanotrichum oldhamii
Native to southern China and Taiwan, this Gesneriaceae called Titanotrichum oldhamii, also called Chinese Foxglove is a hardy beautiful yellow flowering garden plant. The opposite hairy oval-round,have saw-edged serrated leaves. On flower stalks...
Tulbaghia simmleri 'Snow White'
Is an evergreen - not hardy bulbous plant suddenly found in the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa. Flowering falls in early February with us, and the white flowers sitting in clusters arranged on long clusters protruding above the leaves...
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Zingiber mioga
Japanse gember wordt Zingiber mioga wel genoemd, behoort tot de fam. van de Zingiberaceae. Deze kruidachtige vaste plant , o.a. inheems in Japan en China, is bij ons vrij goed winterhard en doet het prima in elke voedzame grond op een beschaduwde...
Zingiber mioga 'White Feather'
The culture of Zingiber mioga ‘White Feather’ is identical to the true green-leaved variety, Zingiber mioga. However, this variegated form has creamy-yellowish-white leaf edges that slowly fade towards the centre. As a result, its growth is less...
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