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Olifantsoren. Een decoratieve bladplant afkomstig uit de tropische wouden van o.a. Brazilië. Te gebruiken als kamerplant of potplant voor een standplaats met een hoge luchtvochtigheid. Direct na het oppotten van de knol op een warm plekje, gedurende de groei rond de 20 graden houden, uit de zon (indirect licht). De potgrond niet te vochtig houden, maar nooit laten uitdrogen en maandelijks wat voeding geven. ’s Winters gaat de plant in rust en kan de knol in de pot overwinterd worden, nooit onder de 12 graden.


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Caladium 'Candidum'
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, white with green veins, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after potting...
Caladium 'Fiesta' ®
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, white with pink veins, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after potting...
Caladium 'Florida Moonlight' ®
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, white transparent, with a soft green edge, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity....
Caladium 'Florida Sweetheart'
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, green, white with pink veins, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after...
Caladium 'Miss Muffet'
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, light green with pink veins, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after...

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Caladium 'Pink Beauty'
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, green with pink veins and white spotted, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity....
Caladium 'Red Flash'
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, red grain with green, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after potting the...

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Caladium 'Royal Flush' ®
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, deepred with a green border, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after...
Caladium 'Sea Foam Pink' ®
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, soft green with pink spotted, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after...
Caladium 'Tapestry' ®
Angel wings, Fancy Leaf. A decorative plant with arrow-shaped leaves, white, red grain with green, originating from the tropical forests of e.g. Brazil. To be used as a houseplant or pot plant for a place with high humidity. Immediately after...